Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Reading Into What Others Say (or don't say)

It seems like some people are more inclined than others to read into what people say. You might think I'm talking about women (with good reason), but guys do it too. Including me. But why? Well, what if we didn't read into things? Imagine what wouldn't be understood or how much we would miss.

-What people don't say is often more valuable and more telling than what they do say-

Here are some of my observations as to why it is often necessary for us to read into what others say.

1. Few people actually say what is on their minds. It could be fear of being direct. What is said is usually a reflection of what lies beneath. We give subtle hints through our choice of words, our inflection, facial expressions and body language. These hints give away our true feelings and thoughts that lie beneath the surface of words.

2. Communication is difficult. Even if you know what you want to say, sometimes it's difficult to accurately express. It's even harder to get someone to follow your line of thought.

3. Sometimes we don't fully understand our own thoughts or feelings.

4. We often just say what we think the other wants to hear. Our human nature has a strong desire to be liked and accepted. Many people are easily consumed by this desire.

5. It's the fun of the game. Subtle hints are safe. They can easily be overlooked. But in the future we can look back and point out our hints to show a pattern. Each hint on its own might not be much at all, but as a collective they can be pretty powerful.

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