Friday, November 13, 2009

Snowflakes: A Metaphor for the Human Relationship

Each snowflake is something special all its own.
It is whole. It is unique. It is beautiful.
When it falls from the sky it is graceful.
It doesn't know where it will land, but each flake has its own destination.

But when it lands it meets another flake - like itself, yet unique in its own right.
These two perfectly whole and perfectly beautiful flakes combine and become one.
Together they join and make something even more beautiful;
A picture perfect scene.

Their union turns them into something new. They are changed forever.
Even if you separate them again they are changed forever from their original state.

This one snowflake was whole before it met another.
Then it met its other half, and together they made something magical;
a scene one solitary flake could not possibly make on its own...
forever changing them both.

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